of the thin "turned" sole and "rocker" sole. The comparatively low, drag heel, with weak shank (i) gives the same mechanical strain, and is a very potent factor in producing these painful conditions. A patient suftering with anterior metatarsal dis- comfort, complaining of numbness, burning sensa- tions, cramps, etc., requires added toe room, a shoe built on physiological lines, permitting the great toe and all the" toes to function (Fig, 14). The heel should be somewhat lower than usual (Fig. 10). it is maiiifesl tliat the lower the heel of a shoe the ter's conception of the physiological heel seat, of the heel seat is rounded. There are no squa escape. B, side view. more weight will be borne upon the calcaneus. Therefore the heel should be one half to five eighths of an inch high, or lower, with a strong or rein- forced sole and a metatiirsal elevation or anterior heel one eighth to three eighths inch in thickness placed well behind the ball. The adjustment of this metatarsal heel or Cialis Online Overnight Shipping support requires skill and patience. If it is placed too far forward it will irritate ; if too far back it will be Cialis Online Overnight Shipping inefficient. It may be too wide, extending to the outer side and impinging upon the distal extremity of the fifth metatarsal. Individuals suffering with this condi- tion find it very agreeable Cialis Online Overnight Shipping to have a shoe with a -ounter and heel seat conforming to the natural heel to hold the heel cushion well under the calcaneus (Figs. 5, 8, and 9) ; otherwise the patient may ac- (juire a sensitive heel in such a low heeled shoe, especially if compelled to stand or walk on stone floors. Such patients require a higher heel. Cialis Online Overnight Shipping Shoes for metatarsalgia should be built upon a last de- signed for a low heel. A shoe made upon the ordinary last Cialis Online Overnight Shipping requires a heel one and one quarter inches to two or more Cialis Online Overnight Shipping inches high ; when the heel is lowered the toe must go up, resulting in a "rocker" sole. This Cialis Online Overnight Shipping misshaping of the shoe is accentuated by habitual loss of flexion of the toes Cialis Online Overnight Shipping — the clawed toe — which is almost constant in this affection. The ability to wear the low heel with comfort, removing the weight from the metatarsal region, will im- ply a heel cord of normal length. When shortening is present it must be eliminated. In aggrava- ted cases of metatarsalgia and in that type of the rigid, reversed anterior arch,' the patient will find relief earlier and more satisfac- torily liy submitting to the simple operation described corners into Fig. 9. — Transverse view of left shoe and foot, in Fig. lo. Heel if the shoe is very good; breast well forward. This illustTates a ivell proportioned shoe for a case of metatarsalgia. ty> ASHLEY: SHOES. I Xf.w Vokk Medical Joubkal. I)y Dr. Roland O.iVleisenljack (2). Retaining the higli Ik-i! and narrow shoe, tiie pain, cramps, and general (iisconitort may be relieved sometimes by lifting llie anterior arch of the foot wilii a brace, or strap- ping with zinc oxide |)laster and incorporating a iingerlike pud of felt jnst ]:osterior to the anterior iiietatarsal arch. This is a makeshift. Quite as ilistressing are the tlaiit-nerl heel cii-liinn. tlir spur heel, sensitive heel, sometimes designated as po 1 i c e m a n's heel, and the dead tired feel- ing due to pres- sure produced by long standing ill low, hard, Hat lieels with wide counters. This squashed heel cushion offers slight protection to the almost denuded inter- nal and external tubercles of the calcaneus (Figs. 6 and 7). This flattened h e e 1 cushion, produc- tive of sensitive heels and the ilead tired feel- ing so frequent- ly diagnosed as due to falling arch, may be re- he\ ed by t h e felt pocketed or 1> hy s i o logical heel seat ( i ) , preventing the squashing out and thinning of tile fatty cushion